Rejoice! It’s a Brand New 2014!

New – defined as “not existing before; made, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time.”

When we say New Year then , it means, we will be experiencing things for the first time – not rehashed nor recycled. They are the first of their kind in 2014! When I think about this, my heart beats fast as I have experienced a lot of firsts in 2013 together with my family. The kind that have let out different emotions, more praying, more pruning. My relationship with The Lord, my husband and with my children have grown stronger because of the major events in our lives this year. God has been faithful, always is and forever will be.

He has healed my breast lump and anemia/ mineral deficiency problems.

He has provided for our needs, financial dues, some wants, rest and recreation.

He has brought us to a new place.

He has stepped the brakes on my career in the marketplace (after working for 13 years) so I can be with my husband, together with my children.

He has signaled the start of our homeschooling journey.

In all these changes in my life this year, He has taught me to be more dependent on Him.

When I welcomed 2013, I have declared that this is going to be the year of the Lord’s favor for our family. Indeed, it has been. This is the year of rebuilding, replanting and renewing. We may have experienced some rough times just like how our country has experienced and survived the strongest typhoon that ever hit land, but God has been with us. We were not forsaken, we were fed by the wealth of the nations, and we will continue to share in the double portion of His blessing.

For 2014 , I pray that Christ’s supremacy be above all the things that we have planned and prayed for. When there will be times when I will battle my will with His, may His voice be so loud and clear and I may not be so stubborn as to obey and yield to His good, pleasing and perfect will for me and my family.

May we all have confidence in Jesus Christ, who goes before us in 2014. The one “who is BEFORE all things and in him all things hold together”.

What a joy to know that He has already marked the events and seasons in our lives! So whatever comes our way in 2014, let us say,

“Rejoice in The Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” 




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